Sunday, January 16, 2011

Coins From Heaven

Coins from Heaven

The Ultimate Collection

If you ever drop a small coin, don’t pick it up, leave it for someone else to find, because God can use it to comfort, encourage or to just let you know that He is with you etc. As He did for me.

Cost--$29.95--Including postage anywhere in Australia.
Could you leave the open so if I have to change or add anything for example--costs to overseas or postage increases. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Good sense is from five cents

Good sense is from five cents
Review by Maria Galinovic--The Leader Newspaper.

Carly Hamilton has seven albums full of coins, mostly five cent pieces.
She found each of the coins-in shopping centers, footpaths, gutters-and believe   each has a story to tell.

The stories of the coins have now been documented in a book: Coins From Heaven: The Ultimate Collection.

To Mrs. Hamilton, of Kirrawee, the five cent pieces are a message from God or “God’s way of showing me that nothing goes unnoticed by him.”
They are a vital part of her spiritual journey. “I wrote this book because of the extraordinary and unique spiritual experiences I have been having for many years,” she said. “These experiences, I believe, are the work of God and his angels.”

 Mrs Hamilton, a nurse and mother of two daughters, first noticed the coins when she was going through a hard time a few years back.

“I had been trapped in a nasty situation from which God and his angels rescued me by placing five cent coins on my path to lift my spirit,” she said. “After finding dozens of coins when feeling sad or stressed, I realized that God was using them to comfort and encourage me.” “I would find them in places that were almost impossible to see, and at the time it felt like a miracle.”

 Eventually the coins became a communication system where I believe answers to particular questions would come via coins. To Mrs Hamilton, coins are about comfort, protection, healing, encouragement, divine retribution, and confirmation of thoughts and actions.

The book also has a darker theme of sexual abuse, attitudes towards women and double standards.
Conformation of Thoughts: As I was walking along the shops, at Southgate, thinking, “When you love the things that God loves and you hate the things that He hates, He calls you friend. There on the floor in front of me was 5-cents. (Coin no, s 2520
Nothing Goes Unnoticed: At work I was telling Steven, a fabulous person, that nothing goes unnoticed. You can’t commit evil deeds and get away with it, because we are all being watched all of the time. Within seconds he returned holding up 5 cents. I thought nothing of it, seeing I have so many, until he said He had just found it, I believe confirming my words. Later he told me that it was leaning up against the wall shining at him and when he picked it up he had this strong feeling to give it to me (Coin no s 61)
Protection: A few of us went to a night club to celebrate our friend’s birthday and after some time the place became very crowded and men were pushing up against me. I wanted to get away so I decided to escape to the next room, the lounge room. As I was walking through the adjoining door I found 5 cents on the floor. I felt protected (Coin no 514).
Comfort: Today I took my little niece Faint to McDonalds. While I was watching her play, sad memories surfaced and I started to quietly crying inside. On my way out of McDonalds I found on the road 5 cents and as soon as I picked it up, looked up and amazingly saw the number plate BLESSU, right in front of me. God can use just about anything to send you a message. (Coin no 488). They must be beautiful people to drive around with a BLESSU numberplate.

Angel Evidence: I was in our lounge room telling John about angels and how they confirm to me that they are real with 5 cent coins. After this conversation we both went into our kitchen to make a cup of tea. I went to the clothes dryer and opened the door and out flew 5 cents that landed near John’s foot. He was shocked and asked about my angel book, as he now wanted to read it. I added, “Now this is confirmation that what I just told you about angels is true!” All I had in the dryer was one doona, so it didn’t fly out of a pocket. Our laundry is adjacent to our kitchen; therefore it was possible for the coin to land near John’s foot. Once again the time was perfect. (Coin no 33)

Random Coins: simply to say we are with you.
One of the most beautiful coin findings was found on top of a leaf outside Coles, Kareela. I felt privileged and amazed. (Coin no 428)
I was at Fitness First gym when I went to the bubbler to have a drink; there I noticed 5 cents below it. (Coin no 424)

Angel’s Heal: I bought the book ‘Healing with the Angels’ and as soon as I paid for it I almost stepped on 5 cents. To me this is not only evidence that angels heal but that God can use just about anything to get a message across to us, even the title of a book, which doesn’t necessary mean that He endorses all that’s between the pages (Coin no 601).
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Glass Table Top
 1st June 2007
One of my daughter’s friends had accidentally broken the round glass top of their dining room table. I knew of a round glass table top my friend Rosita had stored in her garage, so I asked her if she wanted it. She kindly gave it to us free of charge. Today, I went down to wash it with a bucket of warm water and there in front of it on the garage floor was 5 cents. I felt surprised and thought Rosita’s kindness didn’t go unnoticed like everyone else’s. When I returned to my house I showed Lara. (Coin no s 52)